This is the site where I keep people up to date on my madden football league, College and Pro football, funny inncidents throughout the week, and also any and every funny things worth mentioning from the weekend.
can anyone say Wincustomize!
Published on October 6, 2005 By ItechDev In Virtual Communities
I was sorting through my email this morning and opened up something from Yahoo, maybe my first mistake, but anyways.

it's Called Yahoo 360.

it's a place where you can share your blogs and pictures. It also has a system where only your "Friends" can see your posts and i assume respond to them.

Sounds interesting... I wonder if anyone else has thought of this........

OHHHH That's right, Stardock has about over a year ago!!!!

I looked at it and laughed. Just thought i'd share it with everyone else.

on Oct 06, 2005
Personally, I don't really see much similarity between JU and Yahoo 360. Yahoo 360 is much more similar to than to JU. Yahoo hasn't always been the most innovative company on the web, but I really don't think they were "inspired" by JU to launch 360. I don't know for sure, but I believe MySpace was around well before JU.
on Oct 06, 2005
Personally, I don't really see much similarity between JU and Yahoo 360. Yahoo 360 is much more similar to than to JU. Yahoo hasn't always been the most innovative company on the web, but I really don't think they were "inspired" by JU to launch 360. I don't know for sure, but I believe MySpace was around well before JU.

He isn't talking about JU. see in his title...
on Oct 06, 2005
Oh, I see that now. LOL

Well just substitute WC for JU in my comments. Myspace was around before WC added those features.
on Oct 07, 2005
Well, i disagree to an extent.

There are some core features of WC and Yahoo! 360

here are a few:

1. Blogs
2. Photo galleries
3. Lists - Wincustomize calls that section "My Links"

I think the Wincustomize Personal pages encapulates alot of the core features of Yahoo 360 as well as the Skinning Author side of things. Not to mention a points and ranking system.

Of course yahoo does have other existing features that they've centralized into Yahoo 360 such as email and messaging.
on Oct 07, 2005
Blogs and photo galleries are not an invention belonging to WC... Nor are lists and links. Yahoo 360 is more a MySpace clone than a WC one.

360 is doing what every other blog/uber community site is trying to do right now... I don't think you can point to who "did it first" and claim they're being ripped off.
on Oct 07, 2005
Yeah besides Al Gore invented the internet and everything on it.

Seriously though, thanks for sharing the laugh with us. I don't very seriously that anyone wants to try and narrow down who did what first. When it's a truly good, original idea, people will know it right away, and others will copy soon enough. Imitation is the sincerest from of flattery!.
on Oct 09, 2005
sooo.... you're saying WC didn't invent it??

Yea i hear ya, i actually haven't been to myspace which from what you guys are telling does similar things.
on Oct 09, 2005
on Oct 19, 2005
Al Gore invented this blogging thing.

Yahoo 360 is more like MySpace (or MySpaz after you see soe of those sites you'll spaz out from the colors if your browser doesn't crash) and even more like Friendster tha WinCusto or Joeuser.

Look at my 360 spot and see what's on it. A rival to MySpace? Not sure, but Friendster is a definaite yes.