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Hosting Companies and their Search Engine Optimizers
which to choose?
Published on October 6, 2005 By
Search Engines
Hi all,
I've been shopping around lately to see where i should place my client's asp.net based website with the intetion of promoting and also submitting the site to the main search engines.
Well, one thing that I have been running into at each Hosting provider is some type of proprietary promotion/marketing service each provider has that will take your site, assist in telling you just what key words to use to search bots index your page, and also the easy submission to multiple search engines through this service.
These services also offer free GoogleAd Dollars with each purchase which i guess will help some in site promotion indirectly.
Has anyone had any experience with any of these services with his/her Web Hosting Provider? if so, what provider did you choose and what do they call thier service?
Here are the two main ones i am contemplating
1. GoDaddy.com
Besides their commercial with the hot girl posing on the bike, it's their Price Price Price!
The company simply from what i can see gives you the most for roughly $16 a month.
here's a price break down(i don't feel like listing the features)
The website promotion/marketing service they offer is called: Traffic Blazer
This one is actually pretty cool. Gives you tons of functionality. Such things as help you pick the correct keywords to use across your site and who are the top 10 sites using the same keywords. Also has a built in referral system much like WC so you can see who is actually linking to your site. Also has the auto submission to search engines such as: google,yahoo, lycos, etc to name a few.
These are just a few of the services, there are probably 10-15 in all which costs $30 per year, and you can also add some type of service that will do "Legal" Email marketing which i'm not too sure about, but that was one of the packages for $69 per year.
2. Interland
I was referred to interland by a friend who says that it has been the best service they've had so far. Packages are decent as well, for about $19 you get comparable service, and also have their own website promotion service which does some of the same core things such as search engine submission. Oh and they give you $75 in GoogleAds as apposed to $25 from GoDaddy.com
Well, Any thoughts???
Is there a better one that I really should be considering?
Do these website promotion services actually help in getting linkeage to your website? I mean i don't mind paying a few bucks in a year if i don't have to do the work myself, i mean i am lazy in the sense that if i can pay for a service instead of doing it myself, i'll do it for the most part!
Thanks in advance for the opinions!
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